It has been a personal point of contention that, in the seven years I've spent on Newgrounds, I lacked any equitable results. This month began with the seven year anniversary of my officially joining the Newgrounds community. While it's been a veritable adventure, there has always been something missing. At first it was my lack of posts; I'm at a comfortable 6k+ so that's no longer an issue. Then it was a matter of batting average. I worked at programming and design but in the end I never got beyond a terrible mouse-avoider game, and a mediocre contribution to a collab. Eventually I lost interest in programming and moved on to writing. After that, my focus was to get work submitted and get involved in the writing community.
And now, finally, after seven years on this site, I feel like I've accomplished a goal I've been striving for this whole time: equitable results. It turns out that for the month of June, the time I spent planning, writing, and nursing a knee injury resulted in the best submission for that month's writing contest. More than the $30 store credit, I'm thankful for the recognition and appreciation. Moving forward, I can continue to enjoy the site without reserve.
But I am excited for the $30!
Congratz on the anniversary and winning the writing contest. Your story didn't have any sharks, but I'll admit it was good.
Saved the sharks for the sequel. And thanks.