So, I've recently taken it up on myself to learn AS3. While I'm excited, this desire is very unfortunately placed. I've seem to have hit some sort of gold mine. I've got a lot of projects I'm working on that require lots of attention but there's always time for learning.
My last post is really out dated, and since then my goals have changed. I'm now working on redeveloping a game previously released to NG along with it's sequel. The game promises to be entertaining and gloriously random. While I'm not too hot for the whole random thing, it's a very cute game so I don't mind it.
I've also got large plans for some old friends over at the AAHC, an old club that used to be based out of NGs. I'm working on a large scale project that will hopefully get their name out there and help them crawl out of the hole that inadvertantly have fallen into. With time, effort, and a bit of investment, the club should be back on it's feet and back in a position to offer something to new users. Make people want to come and stay.
To top that list it seems Max Games is having a competition, and what better time is there to reveal a true product of my labor? I've put some stuff on NG that didn't really deserve my making, I hope that with the help of some talented artists, I can finally put my skills to the test and earn a B.A. worthy of not only my skill but longevity with NG. I might be the oldest NG member with competance with flash who has yet to submit quality work. That'll change though.
Last, but not least, I've got a lot of potential ideas in reserve that will hopefully allow me to quickly output games, not only winning lots of mulah, but also expanding my portfolio quickly, allowing me to catch up to my peers. Hell, I'm a year away from getting my degree, I think it's about time I had something to show potential employers.