I agree that embracing these new developments is the way to go, but it's not that simple. Up until recently I couldn't wrap my head around AS3 because I just couldn't find any good tutorials. All of them assumed I was an AS2 guru or somehow had already learned the very basics. Sure, I could copy and paste code to make a bastardized half-assed game, but I wanted to learn how to really do it. Eventually I found a great tutorial that explained things to me in English, from the very beginning. I think you need to link to such a tutorial if you want your post to have an impact on those intimidated by AS3.
Here's the one that got me started and also taught me the value of Object Oriented Programming: <a href="http://www.actionscript.org/resources/articles/698/1/Make-your-own-reusable-classes-using-Flash-and-AS3/Page1.html">http://www.actionscript.org/resources /articles/698/1/Make-your-own-reusabl e-classes-using-Flash-and-AS3/Page1.h tml</a>
To become more efficient in programming and OOP you need to use AS3 when it comes to flash, end of story.